Zabiha are the rules of slaughtering an animal to make it Halal for consumption. To make an animal Zabiha Halal, at least THREE out of the FOUR main veins of the throat MUST be cut. Another thing to make an animal Zabiha Halal, Allah’s name and bismillah must be mentioned at the time of slaughtering, Any animal upon which Bismillah is not mentioned intentionally at the time of slaughter, is considered Maitah (carrion, or dead meat). Maitah is just as Haram or Forbidden as PORK!! The animal also must be Hand-Slaughtered and not Machine Cut. IF the animal is Machine Cut it is Haram and Forbidden to eat.
Only a couple stores including ours sell Zabiha Halal. Most stores have machine cut slaughtered meat.
For more information or to see what stores are Zabiha Halal go to!
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